Donating to St. George's

There are multiple options for financially donating to St. George's - cash, check, credit card, debit card, or directly from your checking account. 

You can also donate indirectly through using AmazonSmile or your recycable cans and bottles.

Cash, Check, or Electronic

  • Simply drop your cash or check into the offering plate at Saturday or Sunday services.  Or mail it to St. George's. (Checks will be recorded for pledges and tax reporting.)
  • Request envelopes for your cash or check offering.  Donations will be recorded for pledges and tax reporting.
  • Give online! You can give using a credit card / debit card or directly from your checking account. Request envelopes for your cash or check offering.  Donations will be recorded for pledges and tax reporting.See our webpage on online giving.


One method to indirectly donate to St. George's is to use AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. 

Purchases don’t count when made through your app, so be sure to shop through the URL!

  1. Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
  2. From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
  3. Select a new charitable organization to support. Search for St. George's Episcopal Church. There are quite a few! You will need to scroll down to find the one in Clifton Park NY.

Not enrolled in AmazonSmile yet? It's easy — just click below to enroll.


Recyle Cans and Bottles

Another method to indirectly donate to St. George's is to recycle your cans and bottles with Clifton Park Bottle and Can Return - located at 1208 NY-146, Clifton Park. Mention to the counter person "St. George Recycling" when you return your cans and bottles. You may ask for a receipt showing your donation amounts for your personal tax purposes. This will also document that your contribution is credited to St. George's.