Altar Flowers

Contact: Altar Guild / Lorraine Simpkins

Giving altar flowers, in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a significant family event, is a lovely way to beautify our worship space, whether you are worshipping from home or in person, and offer glory to God in a visual way. The thanksgiving for altar flowers will be projected at the start and end of each service! 

Giving is easy:

  • There is a supply of donation forms on the church ushers stand.
  • Or you can print a copy for yourself using this link: Flower Donation Form.
  • Or fill out the online flower form shown below.

Include a check with the submitted form with "Flowers" in the memo line. Or you can pay online using EasyTithe. Select Flowers/Candles.

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Chosen Form: Flowers and Sanctuary Candles Donation

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