Men's Bible Study

Men's Bible Study
Monday afternoons 3:30 - 4:30PM  COMPLETED!

A Scientific refutation of Evolution

This class is designed for any who have been concerned about the possible conflict between faith and science when it comes to origins.  The Bible is not specific about the processes that were used in creation, leaving many to speculate where the Biblical account ends and genuine science begins.  We'll attempt to shed light on this based on what is accepted science now and how a Biblical understanding fits well into this.

Christians differ on things like the age of the earth/universe.  We''ll work from the current scientific premise that the earth is billions of years old and began with the "Big Bang."   This may seem to support evolution, but we'll show that current science does the exact opposite. 

The classes will encourage discussion and the expression of various viewpoints.  Tom Carrubba will be leading the discussion.  He is a member of Calvary Episcopal.  Tom has written many articles on Christian subjects, including apologetics. also several on origins.  He has also taught Sunday School in 4 different churches. 

The class will touch on extinction events, the "Cambrian Explosion,"  complex organ development, the Anthropic Principle, the Monarch butterfly, DNA and mutations in understanding the subject.

Bring your thinking caps!  

Contact: Tom Lessard

Updated 9/9/24